E-Series Parts and Services
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:59 am
Parts and Services for E-Series engines continue to be more scarce, and more expensive. Overhaul costs are around $30K for the engine, accessory case and all accessories.
Overhaul Shops
Cruiseair Aviation - Dick has been doing E Series for the Beech community since the 60's: http://www.cruiseairaviation.com/
Airmark Overhaul, Inc - https://www.airmarkoverhaul.com/
Poplar Grove Airmotive - https://poplargroveairmotive.com/
Engine Parts
Cylinders are still available new from Continental and may be your best bet, given the age of your average reconditioned cylinder. Airpower carries them:
https://www.airpowerinc.com/productcart ... 969&x=E225
Eclipse Starters are best sent to Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma (http://aircraftaccessoriesofok.com). Cost is about $1500, but the core charge is about $3500 - so you may want to send yours for overhaul vs. doing an exchange.
PS-5C Carbs are best sent to D&G Supply (https://www.dgsupply.com/). Cost varies, and they'll call you once they have the carb apart. But overall, not cheap. Figure on about $1,000 for an IRAN, and about $7500 for an overhaul.
General Parts: https://www.fresnoairpartsco.com/produc ... e185-e225/
Overhaul Shops
Cruiseair Aviation - Dick has been doing E Series for the Beech community since the 60's: http://www.cruiseairaviation.com/
Airmark Overhaul, Inc - https://www.airmarkoverhaul.com/
Poplar Grove Airmotive - https://poplargroveairmotive.com/
Engine Parts
Cylinders are still available new from Continental and may be your best bet, given the age of your average reconditioned cylinder. Airpower carries them:
https://www.airpowerinc.com/productcart ... 969&x=E225
Eclipse Starters are best sent to Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma (http://aircraftaccessoriesofok.com). Cost is about $1500, but the core charge is about $3500 - so you may want to send yours for overhaul vs. doing an exchange.
PS-5C Carbs are best sent to D&G Supply (https://www.dgsupply.com/). Cost varies, and they'll call you once they have the carb apart. But overall, not cheap. Figure on about $1,000 for an IRAN, and about $7500 for an overhaul.
General Parts: https://www.fresnoairpartsco.com/produc ... e185-e225/